Sunday, January 30, 2011

Welcome to my blog!

I hope it's not too presumptuous for me to even have a blog - but I've been told that people might be interested in this whole process of moving to another country. Believe me, if you think moving to another state is complicated, try this! I'm definitely not the world's most talented writer, or else I would be a wealthy author. But I will try to blog on a (somewhat) regular basis, try to keep this entertaining (I've been told my FB posts are entertaining), and post pictures and other fun stuff that I am doing on this big adventure!

I'm still in Chicago right now, sitting in a practically empty condo. I've already moved most of my items into storage up in Crandon, WI. It was quite a mess in here as I tried to sort into 1) goodwill / give away 2) store 3) pack for Australia 4) ship to Australia. Here's my empty living room:

Unfortunately, the work visa delay has also caused me to keep a few items in my condo that I need to "live" air mattress, my wireless router, etc. (like you could live without internet access either, don't judge!) I will still have a load of stuff to take north when I actually leave (anticipated 2/14).

For the next few weeks I technically go back to work in Chicago....hoping to avoid actual work as much as possible. I don't think I should start any client work, but I might do some other work stuff. It's going to be strange to actually have to go back to real work when I get to Australia. Will I be good at my job there? What kind of differences will I face? Will people like me? The waiting game begins and many thoughts are swirling around this head of mine. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. Oh girl this takes me back to my first days in HI. One of my happiest days on Earth was being there the first week. With NOTHING besides a luggage of clothing. Which I had to dump out on the floor of an empty apartment to make a "bed" to sleep on for a week. No electricity, so I read by candle light from a candle I bought at a rummage sale there. Being without your "stuff" really feels AMAZING! I look forward to reading all about it, you will never be the same!
