Monday, April 22, 2013

The apple doesn't fall far - first family visit to Perth

My dad and Robin were just here! I was so excited for my first visitors to Perth in over 2 years. I had only been living with Chris for about 7 weeks but he graciously wanted them to stay with us. I was nervous and excited for them all to meet. Chris wasn’t even nervous; of course, he didn’t know the stories about how all the boys in Crandon used to be scared of “Big Mike”. He also didn’t know that my dad hasn’t met anyone I’ve dated for a really REALLY long time. I’m not saying I’ve purposely kept my boyfriends away (yes I am)…..but he only gets to meet the important ones. He usually asks me “are you seeing anyone?” and then “should I meet this one?”. I usually say….nahhhh and then we laugh at my bachelorette antics. This time I said “you should meet this one” and he booked a ticket to Australia! If only I’d have known earlier that’s all it took, I would have just made up a boyfriend that I conveniently broke up with by the time he got here!

They arrived on Good Friday, and luckily I was able to take the entire 2 weeks off to spend with them. Chris and I met them at their gate with my Welcome sign and of course I started tearing up a little when I saw my dad! He said, “You really have to want to see someone to come this far!” They were pretty tired; but after a little rest, shower, and tour of Chris’ house, we were off for a little walk to a scenic outlook at Reabold Hill and then dinner at Clancy’s Fish Bar at City Beach so they could see what I had to “put up with” living here. I told them I wouldn’t allow them to sleep until at least 8pm, and that they would thank me for it later.

The two weeks were filled with fun things such as a river cruise up the Swan from Freo to Perth, Easter up in Kalamunda at Chris’ auntie’s beautiful home in the hills, seeing the koalas up in Yanchep, a day at Cottesloe Beach, several dinners with Chris’ parents, a bus tour of Perth, lunch in the Swan Valley (a wine region), Burswood, shopping, sailing from the Royal Perth Yacht Club with my friend Anna, out to dinner a few nights in Fremantle, and a trip down to Margaret River for a few days. Plus we spent a lot of time just visiting and talking. We fit a lot in over 2 weeks!
Out for a sail on the Swan - dad and Robin's first time sailing

Yallingup coastline

I’m happy to report that by the end of the trip (well even the end of the first day) my dad was pretty impressed with Chris. I think dad might like him more than me! (well maybe not that much). But things really could not have gone better. Our families got along well, they really liked Chris, and they really liked Perth. My dad has been to the east coast before but he said he liked it over here more, it’s more his style. I think he’s beginning to understand why I am here. It was also great for Chris to meet my dad, who I am so much like it's not even funny. Mission accomplished!

P.S. After they left, I finally found out that my Permanent Residency was approved!!